Hot Cacao

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Serving Size: One Mugful of Hot Cacao

1 mugful (approximately 1 cup of milk) (we use unsweetened original almond milk,*35 calories per serving and original oat milk) You can use whatever type of milk you like.

2 Tablespoons raw cacao powder

1 Tablespoon honey or real maple syrup (more or less to taste)


How to Prepare a Hot Cacao Beverage:

1. In a small pot on the stovetop heat your favorite milk to just before boiling.

2. Remove the hot liquid off the heating element and use a whisk to stir in the raw cacao powder.

3. Stir in the honey or maple syrup to taste.

4. Optional - a sprinkle of sea salt, cayenne, cinnamon, or ginger powder.


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